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PINZ App Functionality


Our goal is to make golf way more fun through competition. Leaderboards are our top priority. Any golfer, any course, any timeframe - PINZ gives you a leaderboard.

The key to accessing the power of PINZ leaderboards is the Filter button in the top right of the leaderboard page. Using the filters, you can customize the leaderboard for any competition​.


Who you play

All PINZ players OR just who you follow.


Going for the GOAT or just Tuesday's best?



Go low, go high, or go often. Leaderboards make it simple to set up competitions with friends. 

Across the country or just king of your domain. You decide. 

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PINZ Leaders


When you scroll the feed of PINZ, you see PINZ scores attached to player's rounds.The PINZ score is simple - how well did you play given your ability and course difficulty relative to par. We truly have a level playing field for comparing rounds and a foundation for competition. 

Plus, it feels great to see your name in red figures. 

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Posting a score with a golf app usually sucks, right? We wanted to make it suck less, maybe even a cool experience.


You have two options to post a score:

Scan Your Scorecard
Scan your scorecard and let PINZ's machine learning do the rest.

Manual Entry
Use our patent pending Par vs. Bogey quick tap to manually enter a score. Yes, we said machine learning and patent pending in the same sentence, even if we don't know exactly what they mean.


Regardless, get your hole by hole scores in there. Competitions are coming soon and we promise you want each hole recorded correctly - trust us. 


Tap the green PIN button to get started. Its easy.


Scan Scorecard

Manual Entry


Like a round? Give it a fist bump. Want to keep a player humble?Comment on that round. Face it, most matches are won by the mouth, not the swing so why does the trash talk need to end on the 18th green?


Keep it going in PINZ.


Player Round Details


With PINZ, the more the merrier. More of your friends equals more entertainment for you. More of the members at your local club means better leader boards. More people in the system means more time wasted seeing others play the top 100 or Augusta while you sit at your desk (or 🚽).


Use the INVITE button on the players screen to invite your friends using text or email.


Follow any golfer you like. They can't block you so stalk away. (Actually, they can block you so don't be an a**hole). Just search for players on the players screen and follow away.

  • Does PINZ share my scores with GHIN?
    PINZ does not share the scores you enter in PINZ with the GHIN system. This piece of functionality is definitely on the list. Let us know if you think differently - we look forward to hearing from all of the sandbagging scum out there.
  • Why is PINZ free? Are you selling my data?
    PINZ is brand new and we consider our current release a beta. We need passionate golfers to help make PINZ better. If you sign up in 2021, you will be part of the first user group on the platform. Eventually, we will start asking people to charge but until then, PINZ is free. And, your data is safe - we don't sell anyones data.
  • My course data is wrong.
    Course data is one of our top priorities. We got super scrappy and built our own course data vs. buying it. If you send a picture of your scorecard to, we will get your course updated. Also, we apologize that your course data was wrong. The purpose of "getting in line" was making sure we had your course data correct. Someone fell asleep - time to go have a talk with the interns!
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